Mad Over Donuts has collaborated with Paramount Pictures India to celebrate the beloved Transformers franchise. This exclusive partnership has led to the launch of a special collection of Transformers-themed donuts, featuring the iconic Transformers logo. Handcrafted to delight both taste buds and imaginations, these limited-edition donuts are a must-have for any Transformers fan.
Additionally, fans can participate in a special quiz on September 18th via MOD and Paramount Pictures India’s social media channels. The top 20 winners will have the chance to win free tickets to the latest Transformers One movie.
“The Transformers movie series has been a beloved franchise for all of us, and we’re thrilled to take the excitement to the next level with Mad Over Donuts’ new Transformers-themed donuts. It’s a fun and delicious way to celebrate the latest chapter in the saga.” Said Tarak Bhattacharya, Executive Director at Mad Over Donuts, expressing his excitement over their latest venture.