Mumbai: Last week a 120×120 square foot hoarding collapsed in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar area. 16 people died. In a statement, the India Outdoor Advertising Association (IOAA) president Pawan Bansal said that he fully supports the initiatives undertaken by the Maharashtra Govt, the BMC to audit and regulate hoarding structures throughout the city. He said that the IOAA is determined to work closely with all relevant authorities to enhance safety measures and regulatory compliance.
“On behalf of the India Outdoor Advertising Association (IOAA) and its members, we wish to express our deep sorrow over the tragic incident that resulted in the loss of life following the collapse of a billboard at a petrol station in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. This event has deeply affected us, and our thoughts are with the families enduring this painful time.
“The IOAA has consistently advocated for strict adherence to local regulations and safety standards concerning the installation of hoardings. We prioritize safety and diligently promote compliance among our members.
“In response to this incident, the IOAA fully supports the initiatives undertaken by the Maharashtra Government and the BMC to audit and regulate hoarding structures throughout the city. We are committed to assisting in these efforts to ensure such a tragedy does not occur again.
“We are determined to work closely with all relevant authorities to enhance safety measures and regulatory compliance. We appreciate the ongoing support and understanding of the community as we strive to make necessary improvements.”