Cheil India has announced the appointment of Amit Nandwani as National Creative Director. In his new role, Nandwani will lead the creative output on the new businesses of the agency. He will report to Vikash Chemjong, CCO, Cheil India and will closely work with Neeraj Bassi, Chief Growth officer, Cheil India.
With a career spanning over two decades in advertising, Amit has worked with agencies like Leo Burnett, Ogilvy, McCann Worldgroup, DDB Mudra and Brand David. His last stint was at Leo Burnett Delhi where he spent over nine years. Amit’s portfolio of work includes popular campaigns on brands like Limca, Maaza, RimZim, Iodex, Amazon, Ola, Star Sports, Videocon, Fortis, SBI Card, and Car Dekho.
“Amit is a creative powerhouse – a strategic thinker, an ideas guy, a great writer (of course) and also a very good film director! We’re really, really glad to have him here at Cheil and am sure that very soon, our clients will feel the same way we do,” said, Vikash Chemjong, CCO, Cheil India.
Commenting on his appointment, Nandwani, “I am thrilled to join Cheil as the agency is on an exciting transformation path. Having already acquired a repertoire of marquee clients such as MG Motors, JK Tyres, Asics and UNICEF, Cheil has big plans to further grow its business. And it’s an honour to lead the creative charge on this incredible journey. With Neeraj, Vikash and Sanjeev, I look forward to shaping the creative culture of the agency and take it to greater heights on the back of some ground-breaking work.”
Sanjeev Jasani, COO, Cheil India, said, “At Cheil, our ambition seeks to create the perfect blend of technology and creativity. Amit’s appointment marks a momentous juncture where Cheil stands today. With Amit’s help, we will focus on and drive creativity in all our work.”