Star Vijay is all set to telecast is new fiction show titled ‘Aha Kalyanam’ from 20th March. The show will be aired every Mon-Fri at 7 PM.
The story revolves around Koteeshwari and her three daughters, namely Mahalakshmi, Aishwarya, and Prabha, who lead a simple life. As a mother of three, Koteeshwari has always been inclined to get her daughters married into a very wealthy family. After seeing Surya and his two brothers at an occasion, Koteeshwari decides to put her best effort into getting her daughters married to Surya and his brothers.
The show boasts a grand production and a cast, including Vikram as Surya, Mounika as Koteeshwari, Vibhish as Gautham, Ganesh Ram as Vijay, Akshaya as Mahalakshmi, Gayathri as Aishwarya, Bhavyashri as Prabha, and many others.
Watch ‘Aha Kalyanam’ every Mon-Fri at 7 PM on Star Vijay.