Vi, the Indian telecom operator, has collaborated with Raftaar to create a special album for its ongoing #SpeedSeBadho campaign.
In line with the #SpeedSeBadho philosophy, Vi collaborated with Raftaar with an aim to encourage its users to fulfil their passion and potential to the fullest. The official music album was released by Raftaar, on his social media platforms and on YouTube.
The song talks about how to keep going faster in today’s fast-paced life and do more to realise their dreams. It also celebrates the spirit of Vi and how its customers can get ahead with speed with its fastest 4G.
Raftaar said, “I’m extremely pleased to partner with Vi on this campaign. My ideology in life has always been to be a master of your life and take control of your destiny and make your dreams a reality. The song talks about how it’s important to be street smart in today’s fast paced world where time means everything and accomplish all your passions through the right kind of hustle. Go watch it and get inspired!”