JKCement WallMaxX has launched its digital-first campaign to reiterate its position as the top Wall Putty brand in India. The brand has adopted a 360-degree route to amplify the message, commencing with a series of quirky and intent-driven films on social media.
The campaign conveys the message that attaining the top position gives a proud feeling but it comes with the responsibility to create a difference in the lives of the customers. Therefore, JKCement WallMaxX tries to connect with the consumers by touching on their lives with supreme quality product.
Speaking about the campaign, Hardeep Singh, President, White Cement Business said, “We are always driven with the motivation to leave behind a strong legacy. With the same intent, we have been adding value to the homeowners with our durable and competitive home-beautification range of products. We wanted to creatively communicate the fact that we are the No. 1 Putty brand in the country. This claim is strong enough to reinforce the trust which our customers have in our product for decades together and enables us to stand out amongst other putty brands in the market.”
Indranil Lahiri, Head, Branding, White Cement Business further added, “We have released a series of quirky films which communicates our leadership position effectively by juxtaposing two different situations where random things are tagged as No. 1 with no significance to the society, unlike JKCement WallMaxX which stands true to its claim of being No.1 in the segment with unrivalled quality of the product.”