Mumbai: As Zee TV strengthens its primetime with the launch of its upcoming fiction show starring Shabir Ahluwalia – Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan on 2nd May, the channel announces a shuffle of time slots for its ongoing fiction shows. While the new show premieres at 8 PM on weekdays, the Kashibai Bajirao Ballal shifts to 10 PM. Tere Bina Jiya Jaaye Na shifts to 10:30 PM as Aggar Tum Na Hote draws to a close on 29th April.
Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan showcases a mature romance based in modern-day Vrindavan that takes everyone on the intriguing journey of Mohan (played by Shabir Ahluwalia) who was once a flamboyant charmer – someone who would have everyone swooning around him. But circumstances have robbed him of his smile, and he is now an intense brooding man with a wall built around him. Zee TV invites audiences to join Radha in her journey of bringing a smile back to Mohan’s face!
The narrative of Kashibai Bajirao Ballal has shifted to the blooming of romance between the grown-up Kashibai and Bajirao post the show’s recent 7-year leap and the birth of their first son Nanasaheb alongside all the developments that transpired in the Shaniwar Wada. A lot of excitement is in store for the viewers of the show as an interesting dynamic will begin to unfold with the entry of Mastani towards the end of May.
With a fiction launch during its weekday primetime and exciting high points to look forward to across all its fiction shows, the channel has its viewers enthralled over the weekend with the super talented brat-pack of young dancing sensations on DID L’il Masters, which has opened up to a warm welcome from the audience. Over the coming weekend, followers of DID L’il Masters can look forward to a tribute to the late Lata Mangeshkar by her own sister – Asha Bhosle who makes a special appearance on the show.