Chennai: Colors Tamil, the fastest-growing GEC in Tamil Nadu is all set to telecast the World Television Premiere of Kasada Thapara on 27th March at 5 PM as part of the channel’s Sunday Cine Jumbo. The film is composed of six interwoven anthologies, each with its own underlying theme. Tune into Colors Tamil, this Sunday, 27th March at 5 PM to witness six people cross paths and influence each other’s lives.
Written and Directed by Chimbudeven, the film stars Harish Kalyan, Sundeep Kishan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Sija Rose, Regina Cassandra, Premgi Amaren, Venkat Prabhu, and Vijayalakshmi in prominent roles. Kasada Thapara remarkably juxtaposes theories like the vantage point and butterfly effect to connect six storylines.
Split into chapters starting from a narrative of a misplaced file that not only sparks a romance between a woman (Regina Cassandra) who left a file at her office and a man (Premgi Amaren) who returns it to her, but it also serves as evidence that could save a life. The story then moves on to the second plot of a well-intentioned act by a young man (Prithvi Pandiarajan) who pushes his boundaries for a distressed woman (Vijayalakshmi), resulting in the deaths of many people as well as the punishment of an innocent man (Venkat Prabhu).
As the film progresses, a gangster’s decision to turn over a new leaf ends up ruining the marriage of a cop (Sundeep Kishan), who learns the truth about his sister (Vidya Pradeep). He uncovers the truth when a misplaced mobile phone is returned to him by an ambitious young man (Harish Kalyan), who has a change of heart after realizing that his act of sharing a soft drink may have put the lives of numerous children in peril. How these chapters convene to shape the climax would be worth the watch.
Commenting on the premiere, Director Chimbu Deven said, “We tried to take a different route with respect to emotions in Kasada Thapara while implementing various theories and analogies. Everyone in the team has put in immense efforts and I am sure that audiences will like our distinct approach towards filmmaking. The experience was wonderful. With the movie being telecasted in Colors Tamil, I am sure it will be an enjoyable weekend for the viewers, and we are glad to partake in the channel’s proposition of providing quality content.”
Watch the World Television Premiere of Kasada Thapara on 27th March at 5 PM on Colors Tamil.