Mumbai: &TV’s cult comedy show, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, adds another feather to its long list of achievements as it completes the milestone of 1700 episodes. The show features famous faces like Aasif Sheikh as Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, Shubhangi Atre as Angoori Bhabhi, Rohitashv Gour as Manmohan Tiwari, Nehha Pendse as Anita Bhabhi, Saanand Verma as Saxena, Charrul Malik as Russa, Vaibhav Mathur as Teeka, Deepesh Bhan as Malkhan and Syed Salim Zaidi as Tillu. The show has been and continues to be the audience’s favourite comedy shows on Indian television for its quirky characters, fun catchphrases, the constant nok-jhok between the Mishras and the Tiwari’s in trying to impress the others’ wives.
Speaking about the show’s success, the show’s producer, Sanjay Kohli from Edit II Productions, shared, “I still remember how excited we were the day we had the idea for the show, and the excitement continues with each milestone. Each day is like a celebration when you are doing something you love, and the show is an everyday celebration for me. We at Bhabijii Ghar Par Hai aim to keep spreading smiles always. I am grateful to my entire cast and crew for their immense contribution in making this show a grand success. Aasif Sheikh (Vibhuti Narayan Mishra) shared, “The show has given me a lot of freedom to explore my art and craft. I never thought that I would receive the opportunity to play 300+ unique characters in a single show and get recognized by the World Book of Records for it. I am forever grateful to have this opportunity, and here’s hoping the show keeps growing every single day”. Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi) added, “1700 episodes is a big milestone for all of us. I am glad to be a part of this wonderful team and grateful to Binaiferr for giving me the role of Angoori Bhabi. Each character has been written exceptionally well and stands out. No doubt that each of them has become an audience favourite in no time. Kudos to the team for this milestone. The audience has given us immense love and recognition. I consider myself lucky to play the beautiful Angoori Bhabi and be a part of such an incredible cast”.
Rohitashv Gour (Manmohan Tiwari) shared, “My love for the show is immense, and it has played a huge part in shaping my career and provided me with an amazing audience. I have a ton of fun while playing Manmohan Tiwari, and I am glad the viewers enjoy watching me on screen as much. I want to congratulate our producers, our entire cast and crew for this success, and our audience for their constant love and support.” Nehha Pendse (Anita Bhabi) added, “I joined Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai this year, but it feels like ages since I have been a part of the show. I love playing the strong and independent Anita Bhabi, and it feels like a personal achievement to have reached the 1700-episode landmark. Congratulations to everyone for this milestone.”
Saanand Verma, as Saxena shared, “It is indeed a very special moment for all of us. The show has given me recognition, love, fame, and memories to cherish for a lifetime. I feel extremely blessed and equally proud to be a part of the team Bhabiji. I congratulate every crew member, our producers, costars, and my lovely audience and fans for this constant love and support in making this show a huge success.” Charrul Malik, as Russa added, “I am super excited. The show has always been my most favourite. It is now more special to me as it has been my debut show somehow. I will always be grateful to Sanjay Ji and Binaiferr Ji for this wonderful opportunity. 1700-episode completion is indeed a big milestone for all of us. Congratulations to the entire team, and we look forward to more such moments and milestones!” Vaibhav Mathur, as Teeka shared, “Heartiest congratulations to everyone in the team on completing 1700 episodes milestone. It was a big moment for all of us, and we had a cake cutting to celebrate it. A big shoutout to all our producers, the entire cast and crew, and our audience. The show has made me a household name, and my character of Teeka has become quite popular and loved by the audience.” Deepesh Bhan, as Malkhan added, “I love spreading smiles, and the show helps me do just that. I congratulate everyone, our producers, the channel, the cast, and crew for this milestone and look forward to many more such happy moments.” Syed Salim Zaidi as Tillu shares, “The writers and producer have done an incredible job with the storyline and casting on the show. But we would be nothing without our wonderful audience. A huge thank you to all the viewers for their immense love and appreciation. And do keep loving and watching Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai. Not to forget our producers and entire cast and crew who have made this show possible and a great success.”
Watch &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai airing every Monday to Friday at 10:30 PM only on &TV.