New Delhi: To make safe drinking water accessible to more people, DrinkPrime, a Bengaluru-based startup providing personalized water purifiers on subscription, has extended its operations to the National Capital Region (NCR). DrinkPrime has been providing access to clean and safe drinking water to its subscribers across seven cities in India including Bengaluru, and Hyderabad for the past five years. The National Capital Region (NCR) is almost five times the size of Hyderabad. NCR includes Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, and Noida. And Delhi is one of the biggest markets for water purifiers in India
“Close to 40% of the population in Delhi is constituted by inter-state migrants. While some of them may have plans to settle in the region, others may reside just for a few years. This means that there is a need for an affordable, safe drinking water solution. We are trying our best to make safe drinking water accessible to more people. We extended our operations to Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, and Noida to make this a reality,” said Vijender Reddy Muthyala, Co-founder, and CEO, DrinkPrime.
DrinkPrime extended its operations to NCR in August this year, but they have been experiencing a huge demand for their personalized water purifiers available at zero investment. The company also has a manufacturing facility in NCR where the production of DrinkPrime takes place.
“Less than 50% of the population in India has access to safe drinking water. In a survey conducted by us among our existing subscribers, 65% of the respondents said that they were dependent on water cans for drinking water before they subscribed to DrinkPrime. But, 85% of the water available in plastic water cans are unsafe for consumption, and less than 5% of the population in our country own water purifiers,” said Manas Ranjan Hota, Co-founder, COO, DrinkPrime.
Speaking about the launch in NCR, Manas added, “Currently, we have exciting, limited-period launch offers for the residents in NCR. If you wish to know more about them, you can just sign up on our website. Our team will reach out to you. We hope that this helps more people access DrinkPrime, thereby ensuring safe drinking water for themselves and their families.”
DrinkPrime’s NCR team focuses on the business and operations in the region. The delivery, installation, and regular maintenance checks are also managed by their team.