Chandigarh: Rozana Spokesman, a leading Punjabi digital channel and newspaper has expanded its regional footprint in the Punjab region with the launch of nine new digital platforms, recently. Expanding its offerings to the viewers, the channel unveiled new platforms include – HungerVox, Cine Punjabi, Kirsaani – Farming, Bollywood Gunda, Spokesman Radio, Khule Ke Bol, Cine Music, Cine Motion Pictures, and Spokesman Hindi.
Talking about the launch of the new regional platforms, Nimrat Kaur, MD, Rozana Spokesman said, “After garnering huge appreciation from our Rozana Spokesman (Punjabi) channel, we decided to widen our network into new segments. Our every channel has been curated to cater the particular entertainment needs of the consumers, which will appease the viewers with a myriad of quality content.”
“For the very first time, Spokesman is launching a Hindi channel Spokesman Hindi’ which aims to connect with the Hindi-speaking audience. And we hope that we would receive the same amount of love that we have been receiving for our previous channel,” added Nimrat.
Rozana Spokesman Portfolio consists of a Punjabi language daily newspaper and one Punjabi channel on Facebook & YouTube. With the official launch of new platforms–the brand has strengthened its overall portfolio in the region.
Given the importance to the farming community, Spokesman has launched a dedicated channel for ‘agriculture’ news titled ‘Kirsaani-Farming’ which focuses on agricultural-related and farmers’ issues and also provides valuable information related to aspects like the latest farming technology and seeds information. The channel is designed to cater to especially the Punjabi and Hindi-speaking audience.
To offer gastronomic entertainment to the viewers’ – Rozana Spokesman has unveiled ‘HungerVox’ which features fascinating street-food stories, culinary adventures, interviews, cooking shows, etc.
Drifting forward to the next platform, ‘Cine Punjabi’ is a complete entertainment channel. It primarily focuses on Punjabi entertainment industries, movie reviews and star interviews, etc. Adding more elements to it – the channel also delivers comprehensive up-to-date coverage of the entertainment industry to the viewers.
Apart from that, Rozana Spokesman also has unveiled a brand new production house ‘Cine Motion Pictures’ which makes short movies and documentaries. With an aim to reach out to the masses, especially those residing in rural and remote areas of Punjab, the brand is also launching a Punjabi radio channel ‘Spokesman Radio’. Ensuring a great start of the day – the radio broadcast will update the audience on local and national news and also will entertain with eclectic playlists.
Nimrat said, “Rozana Spokesman also has launched a music label ‘Cine Music’ which is part of the Cine brand. The label will manufacture, promote and distribute recorded music and corresponding videos. It is imperative to mention that the platform will also promote local artists at a global level under its brand.”
Based on a unique concept – the brand also has rolled out a new digital platform ‘Khul Ke Bol’ which will help the local audience to learn, engage and connect with renowned personalities from different walks of life.
To satiate the needs of viewers with ‘Bollywood Masala’ news and relevant information of the stars – Rozana Spokesman presents a new digital platform ‘Bollywood Gunda’. The platform promises to fuel the entertainment space with exquisite quirky content, which will appease the needs of the audience. Moreover, the digital platform also covers the Indian mainstream entertainment industry and new movies and songs launches.
Nimrat further shared, “With this expansion, Rozana Spokesman team aims to reach out to the larger audience with quality content. We will also soon add more avenues under the umbrella of the brand in the near future.”