Mumbai: Adding another feather in its cap of varied offerings, Disney+ Hotstar is launching a bouquet of snackable shows starting 7th May 2021. These short-format titles will provide easy viewing entertainment without compromising on the quality. Bringing together some of today’s most popular names in digital entertainment, these shows will feature versatile actors including Mandira Bedi, Vidya Malavade, Poonam Dhillon, Barkha Singh, Tanuj Virwani, Vikram Singh Chauhan, Sandeepa Dhar, Rahul Bagga, Sid Makkar, Dipannita Sharma, Nauheed Cyrusi, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Paresh Pahuja, Vrajesh Hirjee, Veebha Anand, Anupriya Goenka, Shreyas Talpade, Bidita Bag, Mohan Kapur, Rajendra Gupta, Brijendra Kala, Rajesh Khera, Sahil Vaid, Kriti Vij, Shantanu Anam, Pranay Manchanda, Manik Papneja, Sayandeep Sengupta, Sahil Shah, Ahan Nirban, Sonia Balani, Arun Sharma, Paritosh Tripathi, Sharat Sonu, Ruchi Malviya amongst others.
Ranging across genres including crime, thriller, comedy, romance, and more, the titles include ‘Mukesh Jasoos’, ‘Bamini and Boys’, ‘Murder Meri Jaan’, ‘Teen Do Paanch’, ‘Six’, ‘Shit, Yaar’!’, ‘Bhopal to Vegas’, ‘Hamara Bar Happy Hour’, ‘Crime Next Door’, ‘Chattis Aur Maina’ and ‘Ankahi Ansuni: Jhaagi Files’. Starting May 7, new episodes of these titles will be released every day on Disney+ Hotstar.
Watch the new line-up of snackable shows starting 7th May only on Disney+ Hotstar.