Treeview India has announced the launch of its new ad film titled #NoJhooteVaadein featuring its brand ambassador Hrithik Roshan. The film features Treeview’s brand ambassador – Bollywood actor and style icon Hrithik Roshan. The film explores the concept of honesty – What would happen if we lived in a world where everyone was honest? A comical take on real-life circumstances that everyone can relate to, the film delves into an ideal world where people are being completely honest in every situation. The film opens with Hrithik Roshan posing a question to viewers – Imagine if everyone was honest in this world. It presents the audience with four different scenarios:
- A real estate agent showing a house to his customers
- A boss asking his team member why he is late to office
- A waiter at a restaurant talking about the specials for the day
- A politician at a rally
The film ends with Hrithik Roshan promising the audience that with Treeview TVs, they will get honesty at every step – honest prices, honest technology, and an honest service network.
The ad film will be released digitally on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and other digital and OTT platforms in the following languages – Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil.
Link to the film:
Jubin Peter, Founder, and CEO, QThree Ventures said “We want to encourage people to embrace honesty at every step, just like how we have done with Treeview TVs. We believe that there is nothing more important than winning the trust of our consumers, and that can only be done by providing them an exemplary experience with their Treeview product.”
He further added “This is Treeview’s first brand film in India. And there is no one better than Hrithik Roshan to take this concept to our audiences. We are excited to see how the audience responds to it. Consumers have already taken to the brand across India for its rich features and affordable prices.”
Treeview’s array of smart televisions ranging from 32inch to 65inches come packed with a host of features such as Smart Apps (Facebook, YouTube Cast, Share, Miracast, etc.). The TVs also come equipped with a voice remote, by popular demand. The range of TVs include:
- The Magma Series: 32”-43” Full HD TVs
- The Ultra Series: 504K-654K UHD LED TVs
- The Frame Series: Bezel-less TVs from 32” to 55”
Treeview entered the Indian market in August 2020 and is already on its way to becoming a preferred TV brand by consumers. In the wake of the PM’s push for consumer electronics goods to be manufactured in India, QThree Ventures, the exclusive licensee for Treeview TVs in India, will be manufacturing Treeview TVs from their facility in Gujarat – ABAJ QThree Techpark.