Snapchat announced, its first-ever public, multi-day virtual event for AR developers and creators on 8th December, 2020 to explore what’s possible in augmented reality and celebrate Lens Creators those who use Lens Studio, Snap’s powerful AR creation tool, to build and publish Lenses for Snapchatters worldwide. The first session featured Snap co-founder Bobby Murphy and other leaders from Snap’s AR platform, as well as partners and Lens Creators like Phil Walton, the creator behind the infamous Potato Lens!
Snaphas also announced an investment of $3.5 million dollars to expand its support of AR creators and developers. This new investment will continue Snap’s commitment to funding opportunities for Lens Creators to work on sponsored projects, connect personal passions with Lens creation, and participate in our AR Creator Residency Program.
Snapchat also announced a powerful upgrade to Lens Studio, one of the most popular AR tools on the market. This new 3.3 release is focused on improving creator workflows by providing tools and resources that professional creators need, as well as features that save time and improve the quality of Lenses.
More About Lens Studio and Lens Creators
- Lens Studio is Snap’s powerful AR creation tool for artists and developers to build AR Lenses for hundreds of millions of Snapchatters.
- There are tens of thousands of Lens Creators around the world, who have made over 1.5 million Lenses, viewed over 1 trillion times.
- The AR community is made up of creators from nearly 200 countries and territories who create a wide variety of AR experiences across different geographies and cultures (internal data January 2018 – October 2020)
- Community-made Lenses can be found within the Lens Carousel, Lens Explorer, Snap’s desktop app Snap Camera, and more
- On Snapchat, more than 180 million people engage with Lenses every day
- Community-made Lenses drive the majority of the year-over-year growth in daily Lens views among Snapchatters
- Top-performing community-made Lenses reach billions of views on Snapchat
Watch the Trailer here: