Mumbai: AcneStar Facewash from the house of Mankind Pharma, has come up with ‘Thank You Haters’ campaign to fight against the rise in online trolling on social media. The video campaign launched by AcneStar Facewash showcases 4 influencers who have faced online trolling on social media. In the video, the influencers are happily dancing, enjoying themselves and thanking their haters for all the hate comments and are saying that they are not haters but they are fans for keeping a keen eye on their day to day life.
Through this campaign, AcneStar Facewash wants to spread the message amongst people, ‘do not step back, do not let these hate comments affect you and always be comfortable in yourskin. People will troll you and pass negative comments, but the fact they are following you and keeping a tab on you, shows their interest in what you are doing.
Joy Chatterjee, GM, Sales & Marketing, Mankind Pharma said, “India is one of the largest and fastest growing markets globally, online trolling, violence and abuse has become a common place on social media. Through this campaign, we would like to highlight the rise in online trolling and being an Anti-Acne facewash, we have come across so many hate comments on social media, where people comment on the skin and appearance of an individual. This campaign is to set back the online trollers the way AcneStar Facewash fights with Acne, the biggest enemy of skin. Through #ThankYouHaters campaign AcneStar has taken an initiative to urge people not to troll anyone and build an online trolling free community.”
The campaign #ThankYouHaters is conceptualized and executed by Grapes digital, one of the leading independent integrated communications agencies. The video was shot using 11 different sets showcasing the effort of influencers finding the right spot always. Adding to the campaign company spokesperson Shradha Agarwal, COO and Strategy Head, Grapes Digital said, “When celebrities and influencers put themselves for public consumption, they are very strong headed and are ready for feedback. But when it really happens and it goes to another level of being mean, I have seen them breaking down, crying their heart out. It’s not funny and I don’t see anyone has the right to do this. Despite of multiple influencers stating the same on screen and requesting people to stop trolling, people just don’t stop. So, we thought of this idea where we are not asking them to stop, instead thanking them so that they get embarrassed to the edge.”
AcneStar is one of the most recommended an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial facewash that fight with the biggest enemy of skin and gives a beautiful clear skin, free from acne.