Mumbai: As the world is slowly adapting to the new normal, there has been substantial growth in online news consumption. Walking with the current trend, The Inquilab India’s oldest Urdu daily, has launched a first-ever interactive Urdu e-paper on mobile to keep its readers updated about the happenings in their city. The first-of-a-kind e-newspaper will be available for all the Urdu readers for authentic and reliable news consumption. Ace director Imitiaz Ali, congratulated the Inquilab team for the launch of its new avatar through a video.
Through the interactive e-paper, Urdu readers across the globe will be able to access all the latest updates about news breaks, community updates, entertainment, leisure, business, sports along with special sections on education, employment, business, youth, women, and much more, at a touch of their finger. The Inquilab will give its readers one of its kind experiences where they will be now able to flip pages with a smooth swipe; zoom into vivid photos; watch stories come alive with animated visual vocabulary and influencer videos.
Shahid Latif, Editor – The Inquilab said, “The Inquilab has been an active voice for all the Urdu readers for the past 81 years and continues its legacy to share authentic, reliable, and entertaining news for its readers. We are extremely happy to launch the new interactive e-paper, which is an apt unification of technology and innovation keeping in mind our audience preferences. The Inquilab has always managed to keep itself adaptive to the changing trends and we are certain that this new avatar of Inquilab will be loved by our audience across the globe and will definitely prove to be a differentiator in its own right.”