New Delhi: SonyLIV has emerged as the most preferred way of participation for the fans and aspirants of Kaun Banega Crorepati. This year saw more than 3.1 crore initial audition entries, with SonyLIV seeing a 42% jump in participation. In a landmark change, the auditions that have traditionally been happening on-ground across 8 cities and 10 days till last year, were conducted digitally on a single day via the SonyLIV app this season. These auditions saw more than 12K participants, a 4x increase compared to last season.
With the evolution of digital media, in changing times SonyLIV brought the audience closer to their favorite reality show in the comfort of their homes. The online auditions of KBC 12 have created history and broken all records by providing ease of access to participants and saving their travel time to audition cities. The digital auditions also allow a robust verification process, giving users direct access to the entire selection procedure. This safeguards their interests against fraudulent activities.
The auditions commenced with a General Knowledge test followed by a video uploaded by the participants. The assessment for the final round will be centered on the cumulative score and participants with the highest scores will qualify for a personal interview. In alignment with this process, the selection for the Fastest Finger First contestants will be based on the scores of the above selection process. To ensure inclusivity, makers have facilitated calls for visually challenged auditionees.