Mumbai: Star India’s musical fiction show KullfiKumarrBajewalagoes to Kazakhstan for airing on Astana TV. The show is based on a drama about a small girl who hears music in everything around her.
Kulfi airs on Astana TV weekdays at 10 p.m. The series has been on the air in India for two years since March 2018, It is a musical television series created and directed by Gul Khan and NilanjanaPurkasthya.
Kullfi is a remake version of Potol KumarGaanwala. The story of this show follows the journey of a young singing prodigy Kullfi, who sets out to find her father, Sikandar Singh Gill.
“We are very happy that Kulfi is making such good ratings for Astana TV,” said Christina Vlahova, CEO of Intellecta, a long-term syndication partner of Star India for Russia and the CIS. “Kazakhstan is a very important market for Indian series and when you manage to attract Kazakh viewers’ attention it is very good recognition for the quality of the series. This series, in particular, brings in the unexpected benefit of younger viewers who follow the arduous journey of the little girl.”
“Kulfi is such a great story of a young girl trying to follow her dream and reunite her family,” said Erbol Begimbetov, program director of television of Astana City.“Dramatic moments, difficulties in her life and cruelty of the world neither change her mind nor break her down. The unbreakable spirit of young Kulfi has gained the total love of the viewers. It’s amazing to know that families watch Kulfi all together in the evening when gathering together after work, school, and simple everyday routine. We highly appreciate our viewers’ devotion to our channel and always try to meet their wishes and notice every comment made.”