Hyderabad: Hyderabad based animation Studio Inanimedia announces their new IP that is on the cards – “Sriman Rama” written by the National Film Award winner Bhargava. This is a 2D show 104X11’ for season one.
“Rama is considered as the greatest human ever lived on this planet. He is superhuman with his qualities. His qualities are as contemporary as they were some thousands of years ago. SrimanRama is the childhood adventures and activities of Rama narrated in a hilarious way. We want to celebrate the childhood of Rama in an exuberant format that the present kids can cherish for a lifetime. We want to build a franchise on the show. I believe a drop of Rama in us will surely make this a better place. We want to bring this philosophy for the next generation. This show brings out personality development, management capabilities and public relations for kids which will form the basis of character development. Currently, the preproduction is going on and we are just launching the first look of the character Rama” creator Bhargava sums up.
Along with “SrimanRama”, Inani media also announced their another IP “Super Monk”, which is a 3D show, 104 X11’ inspired from the childhood tales of hanuman, created by Bhargava.
“This is an interesting offering to our tiny customers that they never heard of. We are depicting the stories of Hanuman like never before on our screens or anywhere. The preproduction is in full pace and we will be commencing our production very soon. SuperMonk will surely be a new companion that the kids can cherish for a lifetime” concludes creator Bhargava.