New Delhi: In the backdrop of growing unrest against the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), the Information and Broadcasting ministry had issued Advisory to TV Channels demanding them to ensure strict compliance to specific programmes codes under cable TV (Regulation) Act, 1995.
“It is reiterated that all TV channels may abstain from showing any content which is likely to instigate violence” stated the Advisory is issued by Ministry of I&B for ensuring strict compliance to specific programmes codes under cable TV (Regulation) Act, 1995.
The advisory dated 20th December was addressed to all TV Channels with a copy to industry bodies like NBA and IBF, DTH operators and MSO platforms.
Quoting its previous advisory dated 11th December 2019, the Under Secretary M Rajendran stated “Some TV Channels are not telecasting the content which do not appear to be in the spirit of the programing code specified”
The reason for the advisory is also to curb visuals which are inflammatory and can create a law and order situation during the on-going widespread uproar against CAB.
The broadcasters as per the advisory cannot telecast anything that will affect the integrity of the nation and slander or malign any individual or groups. However, what exactly amounts to a violation in News reporting, always remains a matter of debate between the Media Owners and the government.