Chennai : ‘Oru Manidhan, Oru Iyakkam,’ a special publication in Tamil, has been released by Frontline, an English fortnightly from The Hindu Group. The book on the life and work of former Chief Minister and DravidaMunnetraKazhagamPresident M Karunanidhi (1924-2018) was launched at a function in Chennai on August 6, on the eve of his first death anniversary.
Speaking about the book, R Vijaya Sankar, Editor, Frontline, said, “‘Oru Manidhan, Oru Iyakkam’, includes translations of all the articles published in its special issue titled ‘A Man and a Movement,’ (August 31, 2018) which was brought out as a tribute to M Karunanidhi after his demise last year. It also features a few articles written exclusively for it, including DMK president M.K. Stalin’s tribute to his father and the article that Karunanidhi himself wrote for Frontline’s special issue celebrating Indian cinema’s century in October 2013.The book gives an assessment of Karunanidhi’s life as a person who spent about eight decades in public life as an extraordinary writer, poet, playwright and politician, helmed the party for more than half a century, held the record of being a legislator for 60 continuous years and, as a five-time Chief Minister, who laid a strong foundation for the development Tamil Nadu.”
K.Veeramani, President, DravidarKazhagam, handed over the first copy of the book to R.S. Bharathi, Organising Secretary, DMK, andMember – Rajya Sabha.
N. Ram, Chairman, THG Publishing Private Ltd.Chairman, presided over the function, recalled Karunanidhi’s achievements and his association with the late leader. One of the admirable attributes of Karunanidhi, he said, was that he was accessible to everyone.
Speaking at the function, Mr. Veeramani said, “The book is a historical work detailing Karunanidhi’s life. He was a person who stood for social justice and State autonomy. This is not just a book, but a weapon in the hands of people who fight for the Dravidian movement’s ideals such as social justice, linguistic rights and State autonomy. The book’s name itself is a message for youngsters. E.V.R. Periyar, C.N. Annadurai and Karunanidhi were all just individuals who turned out to be a movement. Each one of can become a movement by pursuing ideals that promote social justice and self-respect.”
Mr. Bharathi said, “Even for someone like me who has worked with Karunanidhi for nearly 50 years, the essays in the book give a lot of new information about him.”
In a message greeting the event, DMK president M.K. Stalin said, “The book is being launched one day before the late DMK leader’s first death anniversary. It brings out Kalaignar’s achievements, work and multi-faceted personality”.
Buy a copy of the 192-page book at or The Hindu Lounge, Express Avenue.