Mumbai: With the launch of its upcoming weekend fiction drama ‘Aghori’ – a love story set against a dark, intriguing canvas, Zee TV’s marketing machinery innovates yet again and devises an inventive touch-point for engaging with viewers across the busiest streets of India to experience the dark, fascinating world of the show. The idea was to create intrigue around the show’s unique world and its characters and amplify on social media. Over 300 strategic locations across key markets such as Mumbai, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh 1MN+ and Gujarat 1mn+ saw unbranded installations depicting Aghori Kriya with skulls, a trishul, a matka, rudraksh mala and a floor marking go up in heavy footfall areas, drawing the attention of the passers-by, making them wonder as to why there’s a #SheherMeinSkull. This resulted in extensive social media chatter with people posting their clicks of the installation.
After 3 days of speculation as to what the Aghori Kriya is all about, Zee TV unravelled its connect with the initiative with the unbranded installations making way for branded ones. Enthused by the initiative, Anand Neelakantan, a prominent writer of mythological books, shows and films took to social media and shared nuggets and lesser known trivia about Aghora and demystified myths people harbor about Aghoris, building further curiosity and intrigue around the show’s unique premise. The initiative was also unveiled by the show’s lead actors Gaurav Chopra, Parag Taygi and Simran Kaur on their social media handles while the show tune-in was pushed on ground through the instillations.
Zee TV’s Aghori is a fictionalized account of a seemingly ordinary man Advik who is actually an Aghori on a mission. It follows him as he crosses paths with a woman who falls in love with him, unaware of his Aghori practice and a war between their heads and hearts that ensues as they set off on a journey of love, deceit, hidden agendas and a thirst for immortality.