Balasubramanian Swaminatan
Chennai: Veteran Tamil Journalist R Rangaraj Pandey has today launched ‘Chanakyaa’, a digital channel in Chennai. The channel in Tamil is designed exclusively for digital media will cover aspects including politics, current affairs, views, interviews and more.
Rangaraj Pandey, who has floated a company Sri Hari Digital Ventures, a start-up under which the media property ‘Chanakyaa’ aims to make the digital media an organized industry which is predominantly unorganized announced this exclusively to ‘MediaNews4U’. The new property will be unleashing the fullest of the social media being available through website, a mobile application available in android, iOS and windows besides being present in all social media platforms from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
“With elections around, we will be focusing majorly on politics. Post elections, we will be introducing content related to Life Style, Regional issues, entertainment, spiritual, business and sports addressing the Tamil audience in and outside India.”,Rangaraj Pandey said further adding that the idea is to take this beyond Tamil Nadu in next two years. “We will be available in all South Indian languages in next 2 years and by 2024, we aim to be present as a national brand having presence in all regional languages including Hindi and English through dedicated channel for every language.”
Asked why not a traditional TV channel but a digital form, he said, the dedicated loyal customers for a TV channels is less. “In TV channel, we air shows at our convenience. However, the lifestyle of the audience is that they might not have accessibility to the TV due to multiple reasons. Thus the dedicated need for reaching out to TV is only during the occasions like elections, death of announcements or any political party’s entry. Rest of the time, there is no loyal audience for any TV channels”, he said.
Multiple advertising opportunities:
Speaking on the advertising opportunities, Rangaraj Pandey said, ‘Chanakyaa’ will have content for everyone in the family. “Be it politics to Cookery show, Entertainment to sports. With print, a brand can reach the reception of an organization and living room or a home and with a TV channel, a brand had entered the dining room and with the advent of new media, this channel will reach the palm of every individual”, he further added. He also says that advertisers and media planners need not depend on any one specific ratings or numbers, but can have clear data analytics and whatever limitations were there for the advertisers in terms of print and visual media will be addressed in digital media. ‘Chanakyaa’, being present in all forms, will provide avenues for advertisers in all forms right from a classified ad to a video, brand collaboration to a pre-loading full page ad. The media property will also help brands reach the target audience through offline activities like events, talk-shows and more.
“Post resigning from ‘Thanthi TV’, as an individual, my own YouTube channel, without any marketing, had managed to gain a momentum of 1 lakh 50 Thousand subscribers in a matter of 3 months. Thus, as a brand, in an organized way, we are able to reach out billion subscribers soon”,concluded Pandey.