Mumbai : Favre-Leuba has announced the appointment of Mr. Vijesh Rajan as Business Head and the new spokesperson for the brand. After the successful tenure of Mr. Thomas Morf, the CEO and spokesperson of the brand under who’s leadership, the brand was relaunched with a modern dynamic outlook yet retaining its rich legacy. Mr. Rajan has come on-board with a vision to position Favre-Leuba as an iconic brand in the Swiss watch industry, a status that befits its rich and glorious history and legacy.
He has previously been a part of the parent company of Favre-Leuba and has successfully worked for Titan in the watch industry for close to two decades. Having worked in several leadership positions he has handled multiple facets of the watch industry across all key global markets.
Speaking on his new role, Mr Vijesh Rajan said: “I’m extremely excited to join the Favre-Leuba team in Switzerland. Favre-Leuba has been working in the last few years to build a solid pipeline of path-breaking products and a strong brand proposition. Over the next few years, I look forward totake the brand to the right markets in the most effective and efficient manner. I resonate with the brand’s aesthetic of Conquering Frontiers and hope to do complete justice to its vision.
He brings with him a rich experience across sales, distribution, retail, product development, consumer research, marketing, business development, channel & partner management, operations, strategic planning, P&L responsibility, leading diverse teams across multiple International markets, capability &competency development and more.
His width and depth of skills for managing businesses is seen as pragmatic and positive as Favre-Leuba embarks on conquering new frontiers with him.