Mumbai: Lowe Lintas Delhi has recently conceived a campaign for Google Maps, promoting their 2-wheeler mode in the Indian market. It is notable that India is the largest market for two-wheelers globally and two-wheelers represent 70% of all registered motor vehicles in India. Two-wheeler mode was launched on Google Maps in Dec 2017 to address the needs of this large segment. Given the high relevance of two-wheeler mode to the Indian market, the campaign aims to increase awareness and usage of two-wheeler mode. The campaign thought is based on something that is behavioral and deeply engrained in our habits.
You can check out the campaign here:
Creative: Janmenjoy Mohanty, Kanishka Vashishth, Nikhil Kumar, Vedansh Kumar, Megha Joshi
Account Management: Nikhil Mahajan, Dallbir Singh, Naman Pal, Ambika Roy
Account Planning: Anurag Prasad, Punit Singh
Director: Amit Sharma, (Chrome Pictures)