New Delhi: A search committee, comprising Chairman of RajyaSabha (Vice President of India) Mr. M Venkaiah Naidu, the speaker of the LokSabha Ms. SumitraMahajan and Mr. VinayShashrabuddhe MP and BJP Vice President had re-elected Justice Prasad as Chairman of the Press Council of India for the 13th term.
The Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ) has congratulated Justice C K Prasad on getting re-elected for the Press Council of India.
The IFWJ President Mr. K VikramRao, who was a member of the Press Council From 1985 to 1991, hopes that Justice Prasad would secure amendments to the PCI Act, 1978, to make it more representative and democratic.
The IFWJ recalled that eight media organisations had demanded Mr. Justice Prasad’s removal in early 2018 due to his stubborn against appointing ineligible candidates for Press Council. However, the IFWJ has strongly supported backed Justice C K Prasad.