Mumbai: Cinépolis India to address a serious concerns that plagues exhibition industry – Piracy.
The ease of access to technology has meant that over the years, piracy has become more rampant. Many laws have been enacted to prevent piracy. In India, the IT and Music industry has been taking an especially active interest in stemming the rot. In recent years there has been a spike in unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the ‘gray’ market. This is turning into a big issue for the cinema exhibition business as well.
Cinépolis India recently witnessed an incident at RED Mall Ghaziabad where a suspected pirate visited the cinema on 30th June 2017, possibly to engage in piracy of the movie “EkHaseenaThiEkDeewanaTha”. The anti-piracy team of Cinépolis was very vigilant and recognized the person at the entry point of the cinema. The suspect was handed over to the police and the matter is under investigation.
Cinépolis India has taken this issue extremely seriously and installed anti-piracy squads, which patrol all its cinemas regularly to catch perpetrators in the act and hand them over to the concerned authorities.
The multiplex chain is in the process of further strengthening its anti-piracy squad and introducing new measures to keep piracy at bay.