According to the data released by Digital agency Team Pupmkin, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has sentsocial media into frenzy, with GST trending across platforms, after it came into effect on July 1st, 2017.
GST has by far received over 3 million social media interactions, according to data provided by.
Here are some key statistics around the Goods and Services Tax keyword – GST which garnered an estimated Reach of 1.58 billion on social media.
Conversation on GST were distributed on major social media platforms and Facebook lead the way with 47% conversation and Twitter following with 26.9% conversations.
Mentions on GST began rising on 28th June, around the impending date of it coming into effect, on 1st July, 2017 and mentions around it continued strongly till 2nd July, 2017.
Social media that talked about GST revolved around New India, NarendraModi and BJP.
GST based tools and applications kick started their social media activity as the GST rollout approached.
These were some of the most interesting statistics and trends that were observed on social media around the GST rollout on July 1st, 2017. Swati Nathani Chief Business Officer Team Pumpkin said,“While we anticipated GST to have a lot more negative mentions, the outcome really is encouraging with more than 70% positive mentions. We also saw multiple economic waves including GST based sale events and emergence of GSPs. All in all, we saw GST as a welcome event for our country and we are looking forward to how it pans out in the medium term”