Mumbai: Hindi movie channel, Sony MAX, brings the action packed Hollywood blockbuster ‘King Kong’ which beautifully depicts a special and unbreakable bond shared by the great ape (King Kong) and a girl (Ann Darrow) who happen to meet on a mysterious island.
Directed by ace director, Peter Jackson with Naomi Watts, Peter Jackson and Jack Black in pivotal roles, ‘King Kong’ is about a movie crew who travel to a mysterious island to shoot a film. The crew encounters a furious gorilla that kidnaps their lead actress ‘Ann Darrow’ (Naomi Watts).The gorilla known as the King Kong and Ann Darrow form a special relationship and it wants to protect Ann at any cost.
Sony MAX airs the blockbuster movie King Kong on 17thJune, Saturday at 8 pm and 18th June, Sunday at 1 pm.