Mumbai: On 10th May Vodafone released the last film in the series of its Data Strong Network campaign featuring an elderly couple who drive home the message very effectively. The unique approach applied in the execution of the idea of this campaign has set it apart from the clutter
Campaign Story line:
An old couple sets off for a trip to goa, after 35 long years, reason why it is referred to as their second honeymoon in the first film. Once in Goa, each film is a glimpse of their day on this trip and how the data strong network plays a role at each point. Be it locating the “Dil Chahta Hai Fort” from a crowded place, to sharing moments from a tattoo parlour on a group video call. Be it going Facebook live during parasailing or learning dance steps before a boat party. The old couple is seen making the most of every moment of their trip and eager to share their experience with loved ones. The last film cues the end of their trip, as they share the entire album from the trip with their granddaughter back home.
Rajiv Rao, National Creative Director: The task on hand was to land the message of a data strong network. So instead of showing cool young people doing cool youthful stuff with their phones, we decided to tell the story of a traditional South Indian old couple who are young at heart, still getting used to new ways of using data on their mobile phones. We believed this would be refreshing, honest and endearing. The choice of the cast was very critical to the campaign. We were looking at non actors, who looked genuine as a couple, were relatable and yet comfortable in front of a camera.
Kiran Anthony, Executive Creative Director:The challenge was to make the campaign stand out in the clutter of ads during IPL, yet charming. We came up with a series of relatable stories about an old couple who are living their life to the fullest in Goa enabled by the ‘Data Strong’ Vodafone network. We were lucky to find an adorable real life couple and the fact that this was actually their first trip to Goa made the whole campaign a lot more charming.
All good things come to an end. Holidays and campaigns included.