Mumbai: SABGROUP’s premier Bhojpuri channel Dabangg is set to entertain the audience with the broadcast of the Blockbuster Movie ‘Ram Lakhan’a movie featuring for the first time on the small screen. The telecast is scheduled on 7th May at 1pm& repeat at 8pm, featuring award winning stars like Dinesh Lal Yadav, Parvesh Lal Yadav, Amrapali Dubey &Shubi Sharma.
“Ram Lakhan”, a blockbuster Bhojpuri action comedy directed by Satish Jaindepicts a story of two brothers and their fight against corruption in their village. With Amrapali Dubey & Nirahua as the lead pair, the movie does not let down the audience on the romance front making the movie a complete entertainer for its audience.
Magnifying this World television premier, an extensive marketing campaign has been unfolded across TV, Digital& other media. A number of brand shave chosen to ride this wave of entertainment, leading the rank is Tide Naturals as Powered by sponsor & multiple associate sponsors- Godrej Expert Original, Vaidrishi, Kohinoor innerwear, Srinivas Pharma, Cargill – Nature Fresh, Relaxo Bahamas & Hero – HM Delux.
Speaking on this event, Mr. ParveshLaL Yadav, Producer, Ram Lakhan, says that “SABGROUP’s channelDabangg has been consistently entertaining its viewers, we are excited as it is the first time ever that this movie is premiering on the small screen. We are sure; the audience is eagerly waiting to experience this entertaining movie once again, ontelevision in the comfort of their homes.”