Mumbai: News Channel has once again established its absolute dominance as the Preferred News Channel with a market share of 18.5% on the day of the surgical strikes. (Source: BARC, 15+, HSM, Thu, 29th Sept’16, Market share basis 12 Hindi News channels). The leadership of the channel was clear with the fact that the No. 2 Channel was far behind at just 12.8%.
AajTak not just led the news genre with a wide margin in coverage but was also ahead of major GEC and Movie channels on the day of the surgical strikes including Zee TV, Colors, Life OK, Sony, Zee Cinema, Star Gold, Movies OK, & Pictures (Source: BARC, 15+, HSM, Cov’000)
Live reports from near the LOC by the AajTak reporters kept the viewers glued to the channel. It was not just the extensive coverage on the ground but also the Defense experts in Studio in the war room format who updated the viewers with analysis and the reality on the ground. The war room with a 3D sand model of the LOC with military installations added realism and depth to the coverage by keeping viewers engaged on a minute by minute basis.
In addition to the channel reinforcing itself as the most preferred News channel during all major news developments, AajTak was also the clear No. 1 News channel by reaching to over 122 Mln viewers in a week (Source: BARC, HSM (U+R), TG: 15+ NCCS ALL, Wk 39’16, cov’000,timeband: 02:00-26:00) with a huge margin of 19% above the nearest competition. This also meant Aaj tak touched a record-breaking 150 million Viewers on 4+, All India.
Commenting on the ratings, Mr. Ashish Bagga, Group CEO – India Today Group said “The dominance and undisputed leadership of AajTak lies in the trust that the viewers have placed on the channel over the years. This trust is based on years of focus on the truth and excellence in journalism. No stone’sleft unturned when it matters to be SABSE TEZ”.