Mumbai : Bhavana Mittal, the former Head of Media and CSR for GSK India has joined RB India with effective from 9th May (Monday), Bhavana has confirmed the same over mail to
Bhavana was associated with GSK since 2010 in various functions such as General Manager – Media & Commercial Procurements (2010-13), Head of Media (2013-2015) and Head of Media and CSR (2015 – 16)
Prior to GSK, Mittal worked with Accenture as a manager and before that she was media director for three years at Cheil Communications. At the start of her career, she has held media roles in various advertising agencies such as Initiative, Maxus, GroupM, Contract Advertising, Universal McCann, Saatchi & Saatchi.
Bhavana was an alumnus of IMT Ghaziabad. While Bhavana confirmed assuming charges in RB India since last Monday, she refrained from commenting on her new assignment.