For every new dollar added to the media ecosystem in the Asia Pacific over the next five years, close to 60 cents will ve from digital services, Vivek Couto, executive director of Media Partners Asia (MPA), told delegates at APOS in Bali this morning.
“Digital contribution is going to double up over the next five years,” Couto said in discussing the key trends in the region’s media sector. New revenue generation will be heavily skewed to digital in China, at about 80 percent, and Japan, at 75 percent share. That figure is about 55 percent for Australia.
Other key trends highlighted by Couto in his opening remarks include the boom in mobile broadband and the evolving role of telco companies in the content sector. Packaging and skinny bundles will be key issues for pay-TV platforms. Capturing Millennial consumers is also set to be a key priority for producers and platforms. Couto also noted the potential for social-media companies to get more into the video business.