Mumbai: Archana Anand will be taking over the charge from Manoj Padmanabhan as Business Head of dittoTV. Earlier, Padmanabhan had put in his papers as Business Head of dittoTV last month. Prior to this Archana was the Vice-President & Head-Global Business Development, Performance Marketing & Life Cycle Management, Zee Digital Convergence.
In her new role as Business Head-dittoTV, Anand will report to Debashish Ghosh-CEO, ZDCL (Zee Digital Convergence, the digital arm of ZEEL).
Announcing the appointment, Debashish Ghosh said, “The OTT Industry is at an influx point with competition hotting up and things looking better than ever before in terms of choices for the end consumer. Content and Broadcast behemoths have all woken up to this reality and are quickly ensuring that they too are in the race, so as to continue to engage the end consumer and his demands for watching TV anytime, anywhere. As recently was done with the launch of our exclusive beforeTV feature which telecasts shows hours before television.”
A management professional from IIM Bangalore, Anand comes with about two decades of experience across Sales, Client Relationship, Product, Creative and User Experience domains. She has been in the Synergians list of Inspiring Women Leaders.