As the Covid-19 affected many of the sector one of the sectors which was also affect was the advertisement. Recently TAM shared the report on Advertising Trends in Tamil Nadu Market for TV, Radio and print. The report covered several points like % Change in Ad Volumes: Mar-May’19 vs. Mar-May’20, Indexed Ad Volume Growth for TV, Radio and Print: Jul’20-Sep’20 vs. Jun’20, No. of Categories, Advertisers and Brands Jul-Sep’20, No. of Categories, Advertisers and Brands contributing 80% share of Ad Volumes in each media: Jul-Sep’20 vs. Jul – Sep’19 and many more.
% Change in Ad Volumes: Mar-May’19 vs. Mar-May’20.
- It is visible from the data that Covid-19 impacted advertising on TV, Radio and Print during Mar-May’20 compared to Mar-May’19.
- Among all traditional mediums, TV was least affected followed by Radio & Print during Mar-May’20 compared to Mar-May’19.
Indexed Ad Volume Growth for TV, Radio and Print: Jul’20-Sep’20vs. Jun’20
- Consistent ad volume growth has been observed on TV, Radio and Print from Jul’20 onwards.
- TV Advertising grew by 1.2 times in Sep’20.
- Overall Ad Volume on Radio medium rose by 2.4 times in Sep’20; by 1.8 times in Aug’20 and by 1.6 times in Jul’20.
- Advertising in Print grew by 2.3 times in Sep’20, 2.5 times in Aug’20.
No. of Categories, Advertisers and Brands Jul-Sep’20
On Tamil TV Channels, the tally of Advertisers and Brands surged by 35% and 34% respectively in Sep’20 compared to Jul’20.On Radio, 25% and 20% rise observed in count of Advertisers and Brands during Sep’20 as compared to Jul’20.In Print, count of Categories grew by 11% during Sep’20 as compared to Jul’20.
No. of Categories, Advertisers and Brands contributing 80% share of Ad Volumes in each media: Jul-Sep’20 vs. Jul – Sep’19
85+ Advertisers and 300+ Brands were contributing 80% share on TV during Jul-Sep’20. On Radio, 110+ Advertisers and 145+ Brands were contributing to 80% share during Jul-Sep’20. 485+ Advertisers and 800+ Brands accounted 80% Share of advertised in Print during Jul-Sep’20.